Arduino – Light Emitting Diode
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Voltage, Current & Resistance
Voltage is an electric force that causes free electrons to move from one atom to another.
Just like water needs pressure to force it through a hose, electrical current needs some force to make it flow. A volt is the measure of electric pressure. Voltage is usually supplied by a battery or a generator.
The scientific symbol for voltage is the letter “E” dating back to the early days of electricity when it was called “Electromotive Force.” Electricians and wiring books use the letter “V” for “Volts.”
Current is electricity in motion. It measures the amount of electrons that can flow through a material like a conductor. Electrical current is measured in amperes or “amps” for short.
Amps are similar to the amount of water flowing through a hose in a certain amount of time. Instead, it is the amount of electricity flowing through a wire. The scientific symbol for amps is the letter “I.”
When current flows through a conductor it creates heat because of resistance. Resistance is how tight the material is holding the electrons. You may notice that a cord from an appliance feels warm after running for a long time – that is the amperage flowing in the circuit. The more amps moving, the more heat produced. When a wire carries too many amps for its size, it becomes “overloaded” and the insulation can melt and cause a fire or shock you if you touch it. That’s why it is important to have the correct wire size.
The measurement of resistance is called ohms, and the scientific symbol is the letter “R.”
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a special kind of diode that glows when electricity passes through it.
The legs of the LED are not the same. One leg is longer than the other. The longer LED leg is known as the anode. The shorter LED leg is known as the cathode.
Circuit Diagram:
Fritzing Diagram:
⦁ Add two more LED’s and turn on and turn off the LED’s one at a time with an interval of one second.
⦁ Turn on the three LED’s ON at the same time wait for 1 second and turn of the three LED’s
⦁ Connect three LED’s [Red, Yellow & Green] and create a traffic light program