A LED or Light Emitting Diode is a solid state optical pn-junction diode which emits light energy in the form of photons. Seven segment display is the most common device used for displaying digits and alphabet. One can see a device in TV shows counting down to ‘0’, these are nothing but seven segments. Use of LEDs in seven segment displays made it more popular.
The binary information can be displayed in the form of decimal using this seven-segment display. Its wide range of applications is in microwave ovens, calculators, washing machines, radios, digital clocks etc.
The seven segment displays are made up of either LEDs (Light emitting diode) or LCDs (Liquid crystal display). LED or light emitting diode is P-N junction diode which emits the energy in the form of light, differing from normal P-N junction diode which emits in the form of heat.
Liquid crystal displays (LCD) use the properties of liquid crystal for displaying. LCD will not emit the light directly. These LED’s or LCD are used to display the required numeral or alphabet. Single seven segment or number of segments arranged in an order meets our requirements.
Figure 1 shows a seven segment LED display. As indicated by the diode equivalent circuit on the left, each segment is an individual LED. This is a Common Cathode (CC) display. All the cathodes (or negative terminals) of the segment LEDs are connected.
Parts Needed:
You will need the following parts:
⦁ 1x Breadboard
⦁ 1x Raspberry Pi
⦁ 1x Seven Segment LED
⦁ 8x 330 Ω or 220 Ω Resistors
⦁ 19x Jumper Wires
⦁ Hardware Hookup
Ready to start hooking everything up?
How do they work?
Seven segment display works, by glowing the required respective LEDS in the numeral. The display is controlled using pins that are left freely. Forward biasing of these pins in a sequence will display the numeral or alphabet. Depending on the type of seven segment, the segment pins are applied with logic high or logic zero and in the similar way to the common pins also.
For example, to display numeral ‘1’ segments b and c are to be switched on and the remaining segments are required to be switched off. In order to display two digits two segments are used.
What You Should See:
You should see the LED turn on if you press either button, and off if you press both buttons. (See the code to find out why!) If it isn’t working, make sure you have assembled the circuit correctly and verified and uploaded the code to your board or see the troubleshooting section.
In The circuit above if the Resistor connected to push button is changed from GND to +5V and the Push button switch is changed from +5V to GND the LED will operated inversely. i.e When push button is Pressed the LED connected to pin 13 will turn ON and when released the LED will turn OFF.
Real World Application
The buttons we used here are like the buttons in most video game controllers.
Circuit Diagram:
Tips: Each Resistor is connected to a GPIO port as well as a seven segment LED pin. And don’t forget to connect both grounds on the breadboard.
Programming Code:
Find a way to make it automatically count from 0-9 and restart after 9.