Activity 4: Wall Maze

In this activity we will be going through a maze

Step 1:


Step 2:

Open the wall maze playground

Step 3:

Add these blocks for movement:

Drive forward for 250 mm

Turn left for 90 degrees

Drive forward for 250 mm

Turn right for 90 degrees

Repeat this 3 times

Step 4:

Next add these

Drive forward for 250 mm

Turn right for 90 degrees

Drive forward for 750 mm

Turn left for 90 degrees

Drive forward for 250 mm

Step 5:


Turn right for 90 degrees

Drive forward for 500 mm

Turn right for 90 degrees

Drive forward for 750 mm

Turn left for 90 degrees

Step 6:

Lastly this is long:

Drive forward for 250 mm

Turn left for 90 degrees

Drive forward for 1000 mm

Turn left for 90 degrees

Drive forward for 250 mm

Turn right for 90 degrees

Drive forward for 250 mm

Turn left for 90 degrees

Drive forward for 750 mm

Turn right for 90 degrees

Your Task:

Finish the maze but go through every number and alphabet